Anonymous 11/24/2019 (Sun) 05:50:44 No.41073 del


The Khazarian Elite have co-opted most all of the governments of Europe and have taken over
America through their agents provocateur and their bought or terrorized whores in government. You will fmd
certain names and families running all through this conspiracy toward world government, Rockefeller,
Morgan, Vanderbilt, and many, many others. Most people are not aware of the fact that the name Rockefeller
is the Americanization of the name Roggenfeld, a direct "Jewish" lineage from Turkey, i.e. Khazarian.
The ADL of Bnai Brith is nothing but the protection arm of British-Israel. The Jewish Defense
League, whose base is at 1500 Lakeshore Drive in Chicago, is the terrorist enforcement arm of Zionism. The
ADL has been caught spying on American citizens but there has been no prosecution of this seditious act to
date. The ADL hides behind its false "Jewishness" and declares anyone an antiSemite who gets too close to
the truth.
The ADL is known by law enforcement agencies to have taken part in terrorist acts, such as bombings
which have resulted in death. This used to be called murder! It is the ADL that are the "definitive experts" on
domestic terrorists, (otherwise known as Americans who support the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution)

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