Anonymous 11/25/2019 (Mon) 02:51:39 No.41259 del
> >>41251
> <low brow b8 m8.
> >this is the fourth time these idiots have attempted this shit on as many chans.
> >they have been thoroughly researched and descried as charlatans many times by many anons.
> >they rely on a data saturated atmosphere in order to "memoryhole/resurge" and extend their famefaggery thereby.
> <gifrelated shillery

This is why they attack us. They donĀ“t like this to be exposed:

Who really created the Storm:


Immediately after Source X created The Storm to restore the Republic, these shills hijacked the movement, created fake one to replace it, then banned the creator from all their movement sites...and the voice was silenced until this the day of truth has come...and these vipers cannot stand to see it told...for their lies, one by one, are being exposed and soon they shall have no lie to tell...the truth in the end shall be victorious..these dark hat shills may have a moment of apparent victory, but in the end their evil ways shall find them out... there is no more room for these liars to hide...

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