Anonymous 11/26/2019 (Tue) 04:05:33 No.41509 del
saturn wasn't ever sun
saturn is opposite of sun
think yin and yang
yeshua (yayzeus) and lucifer aren't brothers. this stems from the polarity of sun and moon
saturn and other titans created uranus and neptune
Saturn created jupiter (zeus), who murder his father
Uranus and Neptune have fabricated the system that spawned our amnesia

yeshua was simply thoth, or Prometheus, the Fire-Giver. apparently he enjoys us so he keeps coming back. "Jesus" was a Roman creation. he was a prole's version of Apollonios of Tyana mainly, but there were some other variations peppered in here and there

lucy has been around since the eighteenth century. she's being a real bitch, constantly making fun of /ourguys/ losing their eye (think Odin).

I'll warn you, anon - we're not allowed to say any real names. If we did, that would ruin all of [their] fun.