Anonymous 12/04/2019 (Wed) 16:59:29 No.42040 del
Just how far could Nellie Ohr communicate with HAM radio you might ask?
Some questions you might ask yourself: Do you think her HAM rig was the same aa the average citizen amateur? Do you rhink it is possibke Nellie got some CiA training on communications? Do you ever wonder if there might be other side benefits to spraying chemtrails with aluminum oxide variants ? (I speculate) say for an agent who might not have the right atmospheric conditions for a good-ol’e HAM radio comm burst? (‘member how they used outdated comms/code in the movie Independence Day? )

An article below:
Communicating over great distances via VHF continues to fascinate many amateurs. EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communication, also known as "moonbounce", meteor scatter, and VHF cw DX are some of the techniques used. In the case of EME and meteor scatter, the concept is simple: use the moon or the ionized trail of a meteor as a passive reflector for VHF and UHF signals. A simple but effective station is within the reach of most amateur experimenters. With the advent of very sensitive receiving preamplifiers and commercially available high-gain Yagi antennas, many VHF operators are enjoying successful weak signal contacts. With a total path length of about 500,000 miles, EME is the ultimate DX -- for the time being! Weak signal VHF work is discussed in a operational way at the Weak Signal Operating page.(on the website)

Wanted to continue with info for anons. Some brain food. Pat attention to how they could use something such as a meteor shower!