Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 17:34:23 No.42269 del
List of 17
idk but how many b4 mathematically impossibl?
i rely on Faith and Anons.
If we win, we win together.
If we lose, we lose together.
Let's win.
List of 17: 'Hid testimony from PapaD that denied Russian collusion'
Does that sound like treason?
'Omitted info about extent of Page’s role/influence on Republican platform change on Russian annexation of Ukraine'
List of 17 treasonous items.
Once charge w treason, how does a person feelz?
What comes next?
Q & As more likely answered facing treason charges?
Answers leading to moar swamp creatures.
State so deep, reveal has to be slow and long?

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