Anonymous 12/14/2019 (Sat) 20:00:10 No.42374 del
getting hella comments

We need to get a citizen referendum passed in each state mandating paper ballots be used, with citizen observers elected by a public record lottery process, and mandating a cleanup of voter rolls by cross referencing against both death records and the list of aborted fetuses that were given birth certificates but not death certificates, and against lists of illegals who were recorded as being in the state in any law enforcement records, and mandating voter ID.


Just check out what happened to Orange Co. It's who counts the votes...

There is also vote fraud on the input side. I have personally seen elections stolen when huge numbers of provisional ballots overwhelmed the system. Same day registration + unverified provisional ballots is something to watch. You don't need to rig machines with this method. It also works fine with paper ballots.


democrats have developed the entire election process here (i'm in CA) to be a fraud-projection device to eliminate the possibility of defeat by conservatives. There are only a few districts with truly conservative reps in congress. I'm blessed to live in one of them (district 4 - Tom McClintock).

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