Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 05:28:52 No.44351 del
'“That’s kind of the snapshot in time that this occurs — we’re adjourning to go home for Thanksgiving. This story that had been floating around for many months, supposedly. I was in Vienna meeting with Ukraine oligarchs; we had been questioned by many media outlets about this,” Nunes said. “Finally, CNN and the Daily Beast bit. The story came out, per usual, on a Friday night right when everyone was getting home. It was designed to maximize damage to me.”

“I’m used to it — I’ve been going through it for three years,” said Nunes. “They continue to build narratives against me, and I always take it as a compliment because it means we’re doing good work, tough work, and we’re calling things as we see it. When we get attacked, it’s because we’re right over the target, so I don’t mind that, but CNN has been nasty for three years doing lots of nasty stories. I don’t even want to get into all of them, but I think you and your listeners are familiar with most of them.”'