Anonymous 03/06/2020 (Fri) 23:20:45 No.45551 del

Good anon.
Thank you for the effort.
The Vanderbilt steamship empire is where he started.
Look for the Vanderbilt influence in LA.
Start with the Illustrated daily. Sold to LA Times, which was owned at one point by the Trubune Media empire owned by the McCormicks.
The McCormicks are from the International Harvester wealth.
What we need is to expand on the footprint in cali for the Vanderbilt influence.
The start is the steamship empire,
and the connections to the Chandler family owned LA Times,
did you know the Chandlers had a steamship group as well?
Look to the nearby islands along the chandler steamship lines for CULT and SYMBOLS.
IPOT brought up a great lead in flordia.
Fisher Island near Miami, formerly owned by the Vanderbilts.
His dig is great.

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