Anonymous 03/26/2020 (Thu) 14:08:39 No.45941 del
we slow cvirus down when we don't move?
day 11 of 15, might need 17 more
will POTUS guide right?
then no worries 4 days
conserve, glide light
help others understand 'to not move is to help' (weird days, kek)
Efforts will show results.
fake news will lie/spin results, Normies will fall for it
Anons will disprove it
MemeCannons will get banned (avoid)
Newbies be blinking
all it takes is dig, meme, PRAY
intro new medicine, track results
Meme GOOD News also.
(>>45939 kek)
'You have come far, Anons (Patriots).
You are ready.'

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