Anonymous 04/15/2020 (Wed) 15:37:14 No.46391 del
message from

Good morning, Anon.

Hope your day is going well so far.

Re: Notables on .win:

As you've likely noticed, this place is not friendly toward Q, though many here are and keep (mostly) under the radar. Shills and a few dedicated Numpties McDumblefuck have it out for anything Q-related (and have for the past several years, including on the old T_D) to the point where the mods won't tolerate it. Luckily, they don't know everything and can't quite keep track of every nod to Q (see earlier post in history re: White Squall).

Regardless, if you want to extend the work of Bakers here (would myself but can't; workfagging at new job and IT won't allow /qr/; old workfagging gig allowed it, which was nice), I strongly recommend designing a text post template for the Notables of the day, including only sauced links and the Baker captions for each, and excluding Anon speculations (as valuable as those are, unfortunately they will not fly here, particularly if they are Q-heavy) and any post numbers (meaningless here; can't follow links in breads as efficiently if you're just in the bread, plus the second you link to /qr/, the shills will jump all over it).

The choice to know is theirs, like it is ours. Most of these poor pseudo-redditard bastards want redpills, but they let shills push the needle hard on Q and /qr/ as a whole. Smart Notables design/formatting can push that needle back, starting small and building on the necessary big picture. "Out of Shadows" has been popular here - no doubt others will be open to more, it's just a matter of time.

Doing the needful here in the meantime (posting POTUS tweets). Not quite the old volunteer function, but close. More like a food truck than a proper kitchen, but if an Anon wants to deliver bread here, they have to do it smart.

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