Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 13:22:43 No.46756 del
final Countermoves clicking
spoopy but also Time
reminds me of class, final months determines grade
i always wanted A's
some classes not so easy
some classes sleep thru
too much play, too long ignorant (me)
it's ok, know moar now
can't go back to the Matrix; would you want to?
Glimpses of Countermoves lead to new ideas of possible Truths.
Truths goes both ways, GOOD and harsh.
Truth has no conscience but is.
Or Truth feelz for us, but is always Just.
Only Miracals can disrupt Truth.
Surprising or was it already written?
Depends who you ask?
Faith, long back and way forward, nearly beyond imagining, not enough Time in Life to imagine it all.

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