Anonymous 05/02/2020 (Sat) 14:00:54 No.46821 del
sometimes shills are successful
i suppose i gone blind to shills/drama
if they call me shill, fine
if they say End is comped, fine
if they say your the dumbest, fine
i become blind to it or i've grown a thick mental filter
it doesn't bother me, i expect it
badges of Honor
if they weren't hating where i'm at or me personally, i'm not doing my Anon job, imo
we can spend 2 hours arguing or we can spend 2 hours memeing, digging, praying.
Choice is ours.
What do they say about End?
What do they say about Trump?
>badges of Honor
Find somebody worthy of debate, not a lowly shill or hater.
does it hurt the feelz of a shill if i call it a shill?
Can i ever change the shills' mind?

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