Anonymous 05/03/2020 (Sun) 14:51:54 No.46841 del
>whts better than saving the world <3
sometimes you say things that reminds me of past, a good sign i suppose.
'Help us save the World' 'We are trying to save the World'.
Back then less villains known, less corruption known, less MAP known, etc
the villains and corruption jus kept coming where saving the World required a lot more than 1st thought, kek
Not long later, i stopped saying it.
Perhaps i began to believe it was impossible.
You can't save the World, you can save yourself, Frens, Fam, Neighbors for so long for some things.
If many believe this, Peace.
Children must b taught so they are strong and wise.
Without Elders, less knowledge.
Without Children, no Future.
The Current Strong take care of both.
It's sad if otherwise sometimes; Children taking care of alcoholic or druggy parents.
i don't judge them becuz ...
but for the Child to be happy, at least 1 GOOD Parent, imo.

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