Anonymous 09/14/2020 (Mon) 23:19:00 No.47459 del
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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a54ff9 No.10644371📁
Sep 14 2020 11:23:52 (EST) NEW
What happens when people in positions of power are sympathizers to the cause or part of that same ‘organization’ themselves?
What is a ‘safe zone’?
Why are riots conducted in specific [D] controlled locations?
What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] handcuff the officers instead of criminals?
What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] refuse to call in the national guard or other federal assistance?
Sacrificing the lives and well-being of the community for a calculated political gain [or other]?📁
Does ANTIFA fear prosecution?
Would they continue to operate if they did?
What organized group(s) are bailing out rioters within 24-hours of arrest?
What happens post bailout?
Do charges remain enforced or dropped by DA?📁
DA: will not act re: “low-level’ arrests
Have all refusal to bring charges been related to “low-level” arrests?

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