Anonymous 09/18/2020 (Fri) 14:50:56 No.47527 del [Embed]

“It Shattered My Life”: Former Joe Biden Staffer Tara Reade Says He Sexually Assaulted Her in 1993

Mar 31, 2020

@04:30 - "he tended to smile when he was angry"

@05:00 - "he pointed his finger at me and said,

"You're nothing to me. You're nothing.""

"I remember sitting on the stairs near the windows, shaking.

I knew he was angry at me. I knew my career was probably over.

I didn't comply. And I didn't comply by serving drinks at a cocktail party for donors. He had told a staffer that I had pretty legs and so I should serve the drinks. My supervisor encouraged me to do this, and I did not."

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