>Three Stooges and Homer 10/27/2020 (Tue) 14:36:00 No.48361 del
The what have done what? Please explain who is shilling whom? Without roleplaying. Or post interfering. Or intimidation. Or acting out. Or really really really going against your better judgement. Say anything above a grade school level. Any post content. Anything. But I'm just yelling at a dummy. Whenever or wherever something good is bound to happen, nonsense like you shows up to distract cynical minds and turn any thread from a functional piece of mentality into an anxiety prone guessing game.

If you have a problem, just say it. When you can't just snap your fingers and make some poor assholes happier, you turn to posting here? Or some sort of thing about other peoples love lives? If that's the case, and while I twitch at every perceived possible mistake, you cannot be serious if you're never actually putting up a proper defense against your pet projects most notorious saboteurs. Like that fucking rabbit.