Anonymous 11/14/2020 (Sat) 12:17:41 No.48839 del
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spoopy days no?
what did Pirate say last night?
if you don't know, ask me
new games calls for new moves
late thinking but who knew what move would be needed?
part1 determines part 2
harsh surprises
oh well shills whine
get to work together, kek
Truth sets Free so SHOW Truth like a bright LIGHT to END spiders!
do We look shook?
fake news is beyond obvious
soon reality will crash and some will wish 4 the easy way; listen is the easy way, member?
no danger from us peaceful researchers, but destruction from elected officials dem leaders voted in my sleeping Americans, dead voters, covered counting, computer glitches Nation-wide
And fake news ask 'where is the fraud. where?'

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