Anonymous 11/17/2020 (Tue) 18:43:31 No.48914 del
Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f**king sure of that!”
Neon Netttle, November 16, 2020:

These were the words allegedly said by Dominion vote counting software chief programmer Eric Coomer to ANTIFA members and cell leaders on conference calls. Once this revelation broke, Dominion scrubbed all of Coomer’s ties with the company, but not before it’s attempts were captured by eagle eyed netizens. Among his academic credentials, Coomer holds a PhD in Nuclear Engineering, as well as 12 US patents, all of which are related to election software and voting machines. At the time of this revelation, Coomer was a programmer who wrote the main code that is used in Dominion software supplied to all states that employed it to collect and count the ballots during the 2020 Presidential Elections. The revelations were unveiled when the chats between Coomer and his ANTIFA contacts had been intercepted by a data company employee named Joe Oltman, who had infiltrated ANTIFA and were able to capture their most confidential communications while posing as a supporter of the extremist group.