Anonymous 03/23/2021 (Tue) 16:17:53 No.51222 del
trick question: we can't get rid of all 100 senators in 2022, why not?
turns out only a third of senators are up for each election
can we insure +-34 seats?
ready for 2024, 2026?
>use what i can to focus target on a segment of the population.
always keep in mind to teach/show others 'how' once you figure it out
>use what i can to focus target on a segment of the population.
Try to find some1 in each state to focus and do: use what i can to focus target on a segment of the population.
think 50; whatever the plan, it has to include 50 so make the plans super easy
simple is GOOD because there are so many people; population: _
what is simple?
'call 2 senators for your State, tell them what you think'
'Vote all dem leaders out, all; RINOs also'
'Say no to DC statehood'
'Protect the filibuster'

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