Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 01:10:40 Id: 889f4e No.563 del
>Just like the lawyer had done for Princess in her little case years before. But now? The stakes were huge.
>Not only did the lawyer direct the legal case and the PR machine — he even recommended bringing in Monster’s personal friend. A guy who had been a longtime lawyer and pal of Monster and Mari for years. He too had been a guest of Monster & Mari many times. He had a stellar reputation as a defender of justice. >His PR profile was huge and righteous. Nobody would ever think he’d be on the wrong side of the angels, or the law. So Monster and Mari together brought in the lawyer and the legal friend together to run this case from top down. And they wouldn’t be disappointed, at least in the short term.
>Meanwhile, many miles away from the safety of their Florida enclave — some very “important” people were getting very nervous about the attention brought to Monster and his legal woes. They were paying very close attention. Because if Monster or Mari “talked” or tried to cut a deal to save themselves? It would have unfathomable ripple effects.
>So while Monster was being charged in the USA for crimes…there was a meeting in England. Where several people were talking quietly to each other. And watching how this case played out. They had a lot to lose.
They weren’t the types of people to ever lose.

(PART THREE tomorrow).