Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 15:27:18 No.6204 del
I don't know, in interviews, Fred seems... eh SJW now. I know he didn't like /pol/ before, but with the attention (wrongly) put on 8ch, yes, you're right, he wants to distance himself. But he doesn't own it, nor is responsible. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous (but is the SJW way. As he is no longer affiliated with or responsible, it is suspicious that he was bringing it up in the first place.

>in order to get Q to accept, would Q need to dox himself?
No, I don't think so. When Q changed tripcodes before, admin could see the IP hash. When Q made new boards, CM could check against the known IP hash.

CM has the magic sauce of double-salt for trips, whereas other chans do not. Q could make a new board, have CM take note, post in an anon-created board, verify the IP hash for the trip and be ready to go. Keep in mind that not ONE fake Q lasted and entire thread "in character" - it became obvious pretty quickly.