Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 22:54:24 Id: d7b8b7 No.663 del
I checked the PDF files from this archive and none contain Javascript using a pdfinfo tool from poppler, therefore when you view those files you should be safe from the biggest danger. The HTML files may (and probably will) reference outside servers. For extra security open them with Notepad or an equivalent tool, not a web browser.
I cross-checked the files from this archive with posts >>660 and >>661 with a GNU diff utility and I can confirm that they are the same files.

>San Francisco Police, its bomb squad and the FBI surrounded the residence of Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies, just hours before he was scheduled to provide evidence to the Justice Department detailing how the tech giant has been manipulating its algorithms to promote an anti-Trump agenda and censor Conservatives on Google and YouTube.
>What was Vorhies’ crime? Google executives told police that Vorhies was suicidal and a potential danger, Vorhies told True Pundit. The tech guru was red flagged by his former employer. According to news reports and witnesses, as well as video clips of the law enforcement operation from local TV news, police closed several blocks surrounding Vorhies’ Valencia Street residence.