Anonymous 08/28/2019 (Wed) 18:33:44 Id: 655da9 No.931 del
Lost Book of Enki
The story in the Sumerian tablets about the Annunaki [Embed]

Uh, guys, have y'all seen the synchronicities going on over on 4pol:

more on the blood and fashion rachel chandler connection. From @kingkongmagazine and i realize they have another "walk through the night" video.

In the first video I believe he is under the influence of some kind of drug. Maybe high on blood. Milo did this stuff too in the tub. it gets even odder. the strange fashion rag "king kong magazine" posted this (probably as a flyer to their regular events similar to thestandard hotel stuff w/ art) this kind of seems symbolical maybe im insane. Someone else found @kingkongmagazine and thanks to that anon from 8chan. I had skimmed the account never looked at the videos until now.
