10/10/2021 (Sun) 23:45:49
Id: b40244
Corona Committee #64: Tony Nikolic, Rocco Loiacono, Gigi Foster w/Aussie Reports Nikolic from Australia ~1:12Aussie atty.
He's been in discussions with Reiner for some time - Australia situation is changing for the better.
Discussion of huge rallies and court cases.
MSM: 3500 attended rally in Sydney; TN thinks at least 10x that number.
Other cities too like Melbourne. Victoria, Brisbane. Standing up for human rights and informed consent.
Last 24 hours: total covid cases for 2021: 5251 cases, 14 deaths. 99.72% survival rate - assuming the virus has actually been isolated. PCR with 40+ cycles.
They've got more and more groups forming: police, lawyers, doctors, etc. Now mothers too.
The PM talks about informed choice but mandates are being promoted for certain groups (for workers with the aged, students, etc)
Given the phenomenon of shedding, aren't we actually introducing the sickness to the very populations we're supposedly protecting?
Fake vaxxes: 399 suspected deaths but only 6 linked to immunization. But grossly underestimated in all likelihood. Reporting rate is only 4.1%.
Mentions FDA list of side effects - not given to people, so how can u have informed consent?
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