10/15/2021 (Fri) 05:10:04
Id: 944b0c
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Is Hydra Vulgaris there to cause cancer in the vaccinated soon?
Anon theory based on Hydra MYC protein/ human MYC protein research (pdf)
They are using this hydra specifically because it has an MYC protein mRNA sequence close to the human MYC.
If the Hydra MYC is similar enough to human MYC, the Hydra MYC present in the blood may cause the immune system to attack the Human MYC system that regulates the growth, metabolism and death of human stem cells.
According to the research, dysregulation of the MYC proteins is a hallmark of a majority of human cancers.
The Hydra in question was found in the COVID shot this week. (Vid Related)(pic 1related)
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