Anonymous 11/26/2022 (Sat) 07:37 Id: b18625 No.112230 del
>haven't used that site much. WOAH.
>I just found out it pulls up screenshots of the drops.
>I'm going to go save all of them.

BeBest since

ya mean this, also:

QAgg Local Aggregator
The files on this page when downloaded and unzipped into a single directory create a "local" version of QAgg (minus some functionality).
You can put these files in a directory on your Windows, MacOS or Linux machine and use them as you would the regular QAgg website.
All these files will fit on a 2GB Thumb/USB drive so you can also carry them around with you.

Should Q start posting again this page will be updated with a new file to download along with any new images.

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