Anonymous 11/27/2022 (Sun) 10:50 Id: 441386 No.112561 del
If we are truly electrical creatures.
Bridged a gap between planes/dimensions?
Parasites in the vax?
CERN to allow them travel?
I don't fucking know.
Ask a mason.
Ask Soros.
Ask an electrical engineer at CERN.
That weird lighting never seen before with a halo.
Later on in that video I think it said some are immune do to more free will.
Perhaps why they want more shots given.
With all the past child fuckers in the church, not only did believers turn away from the church, they turned away from God as well.
I say raid the vatican and read the oldest library known to exist?
Unless we find [their] library.
Or unearthed documents recently/soon to be uncovered?

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