Anonymous 12/01/2022 (Thu) 22:40 Id: 951595 No.113244 del
It's like Germany 1933 all over again.
But not in [their] words (history.)
The people who run MSM, Big Tech, Financials, and Goober'mint have raised their heads.
We call for the death of treasonist Tyrants, and rightly so for all of their lies and destruction of our Constitution.
If they lie now, they lied then up until now.
I don't doubt hey had survivors lie to make their lies believable.
Their whole existence is ONE BIG LIE.
They lie so fucking much that they try and do change history on us in real-time.
With the advent of the internet, we have the receipts+ (plus.)
No need to kill randomly.
No need to hate randomly.
We have the document we need for justice.
The Constitution if you had to ask.
High treason criminals from all backgrounds.
Even now, as their crimes are uncovered, they pretend nothing happened and try to place cream on top of shit and call it a day.
Not for our benefit, but for those they still have hypnotized and hope will civil war on their behalf so they can escape in the mayhem.
The more people who wake up to the truth, the easier and less bloody it will be to bring the Devil's agents to heel.