Anonymous 12/12/2022 (Mon) 19:04 Id: 7aae34 No.114172 del
oh say hi to DPool for me
Eelon vs CF?
Ironman had a good week this past, makes it hard to insult him
if a RINO is going my direction i will ride a RINO until it turns around
if it never turns around then i will apologize and be thankful for the help of such a powerful creature
we can't understand each other like humans and horses, too dif i suppose but we can still take care of each other after patience and practice; ask the Horse Riders that train the horse of yellowstone's costner
connected, might as well make the best of it
Time is short so Quality
is 8000 illegal aliens quality for Children, OUR Future?
is giving billions away to strangers when Neighbors can use it quality for Americans?
is knowingly allowing china to get fentanyl to America thru mexico quality for Americans?
what kind of leaders allow this?
what kind of fake news does not cover this?
if People know how will they vote?
if People are fooled by swamp news how will they vote?

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