Anonymous 12/17/2022 (Sat) 11:29 Id: e74a0e No.114581 del

As a first responder/G0 worker I was the first person to warn that September 11th was the beginning of a covert war against certain types of people in America, one's that would not go along with their plan of world dominance/slavery:

Patriotic Americans regardless of Race, Color, or Creed.
Christians regardless of color.
Whites who will not allow genocide of their Race to occur.
Truthers regardless of any criteria.

These people were referred to as the "Irish" by Wall st Ashkenazi/Bolsheviks (A/B) for short. Red heads are especially hated for their intellectual and physical fitness capabilities due to their lack of primate blood type. These are believed by them to be the origin of the "white seed". Anyone who sympathizes with these "Irish" people or interferes with their plans to genocide them are considered enemies of the A/B.

Cantor Fitzgerald was targeted to kick the "Irish" out of finance, thus diminishing their political influences, their livelihoods, and their will to resist.

I was also the first person to warn about the imminent pandemic/riots/looting/medical murdering that was about to take place across our entire nation thus the world, seventy five days before they began. As someone who played the roles of care taker, health care proxy, and hospice for many years I got to see first hand what was transpiring in America. As I took care of my obligations and witnessed what others were going through, I knew about blatant medical malpractices that were conspiring with legal and law enforcement agents; it was widespread and had just about become the norm. The corporations (State and Wall St minions) had truly taken over individual rights. Not only did I see patients abused and murdered in public health care institutions but also in state run institutions like the VA where there was an agenda to hire doctors from areas where the US had previous military operations.

There was definitely a pattern that I was seeing over and over again: Usually an A/B was a focal point of contact that had strong control over other willful/intimidated minions. Their titles varied such as "Director of Veterans Home Care", "Administrator of Records", or "Hospital Administrator"; these titles were less important than the individuals standing with the cabal. I even dealt with a woman who portrayed to be a well respect doctor in a public hospital only to work as a nurse/aid at the VA. These other doctors had to know, just as a programmer would know they are working with someone who can't program. The whole system is based upon fear and intimidation, blind loyalty, vulgar incentives, and many if not most are compromised in some respect that if their crime(s) would see the light of day, these people never would.

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