Anonymous 12/20/2022 (Tue) 23:28 Id: 2187e8 No.114967 del

>>114913 JFK Jr. Sent Se. Joe Biden a letter in 1994. "You are a traitor."

The JFK Jr/Biden threat document is in FBI Vault collection of FOIA requests searchable by John Kennedy Jr - File John F. Kennedy Jr. Part 1 of 1
Sen Joe Biden received a threatening letter in 1994 that had an unsubstantiated signature by John Kennedy Jr. The letter stated "you must die" (pg 158) and "you are a traitor" (pg 168). The letter was submitted to FBI and included in FOIA but the photo image is not legible. The letter was investigated which included handwriting and writing analysis etc. There were also fingerprints submitted but they were never identified. The investigation never found a suspect, no further threats occurred and the case was closed.