Anonymous 12/25/2022 (Sun) 10:15 Id: d9d0a2 No.115308 del
Strzok v. Barr, STRZOK v. GARLAND (1:19-cv-02367)
Case 1:19-cv-02367-ABJ Document 30-5 Filed 11/18/19 Page 14 of 27, Page 15 of 27

Dereliction of Supervisory Resposibility
Discovery of Additional Clinton Emails

In September 2016, the FBI's New York Office (NYO) and U.S. Attorney' s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) began a criminal investigation of Anthony Weiner related to his online relationship with a minor. Weiner's laptop was obtained pursuant to a federal search warrant.
An NYO agent discovered emails and BlackBerry messages by and between Weiner's ex-wife Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton that appeared to be related to the Clinton Email investigation.²⁰
The case agent immediately reported his discovery up his chain of command and, on September 28, 2016 DD was notified of the discovery of possible Clinton emails.
That same date, DD discussed the matter with you, and you in turn, discussed the matter with GA via text messaging on your FBI-issued cell phones:

²⁰ During the initial Clinton Email investigation, which concluded on July 5, 2016, investigators were unable to locate three months of communications on Clinton's private server or devices, including BlackBerry messages. Therefore, this new dicovery of BlackBerry messages was sigificant.

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