Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 11:14 Id: 9b3b9e No.115891 del
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late night game theory (don't mind the mistakes kek)
how many players in this game (that is not a game)?
keep simple = Rs, dem leaders, swamp (hidden player)
Anons fall into Rs for this example
all dem leaders = swamp
otherwise some dem leaders would NOT have voted for 1.7 trillion
Rs swamp: 18 also voted for 1.7 trillion
so it looks like we have _ Rs and 212 dem leaders; what if we count the 18 RINOs as swamp?
212 dem leaders + 18 RINOs = visible obvious swamp [230]
need 218; how can speaker Trump ever get the 18 RINOs?
however we play it [they] have a way out
mccarthy has his 200 Rs and all the dem leaders if mccarthy is swamp; thas why the odds are stacked against us
we have a long shot, great odds against; drawing to an inside straight
but if we catch, we can break swamp
optics > optical illusion/narative
>'ammo is expensive' (figuratively)

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