Anonymous 12/03/2021 (Fri) 07:29:17 Id: 9c116f No.11711 del
Corona Cmte, Reiner Fuellmich, 38 minutes
Ariane Biheran

Why do people engage in such a collective delusion?
Agrees basically with Pr Desmet [but has more to add]

TTL wants to have control over every aspect of life.
Works on ideology.
A false belief is substituted for reality - to which all must adhere.
It's is a delusion - does not match reality, a new reality is created.

Based on mental pathologies:====
- psychosis of paranoia, delusion of persecution. enemy at the start is the virus but can be replaced by another enemy - unvaxxed people. justifies action against the enemy. Paranoia = a reasoning madness. but it's false logic.
3 issues: delusion of interpretation; there is not logic; no relationship to reality
--Needs an enemy to justify its existence and to maintain a state of terror.--

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