Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 18:17 Id: 8fc8cc No.117245 del
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10th Grade Teacher Tells A Shocking Story About America's Modern "Educational" System

America’s education system has failed, according to a teacher and charter school enthusiast. And now parents search for new schools, surveys show.

“The goal of the education system today is no longer to educate. It’s to do everything but that,” Dan Fisher told the Epoch Times.

Fisher teaches 10th grade at a high school whose name he declined to publicize. Before that, he taught as a professor. The classrooms he is in today let him see a system in collapse.

Tenth-graders can’t read, most students don’t want to participate, and teachers care more about woke indoctrination than addressing these issues, Fisher said.

But kids have plenty of energy to invest in their tech, he added.

“After school is fascinating,” he said. “They’re not playing. They’re not running. They’re just on their phones,” he said.

Like several other educational activists, Fisher said COVID-19 pandemic changes revealed the rotting condition of America’s schools.

“They assumed that schools were the way they were when they went through, and they had no idea how much things have changed, as far as curriculum and other things,” he said.

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