Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 19:18 Id: 6b81b5 No.118286 del
Am I too late to post the ones I got?

Previous Bread Notes #328

>>117782 Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has introduced a Bill in the House to abolish the BATF
>>117783 Senate Revisions to the House-passed Amendments to the Constitution, September 9, 1789; Ensuring Essential Freedoms
>>117785 Julian Assange and the US Government's War on Whistleblowers (video)
>>117786 Hungary military purge? 170 generals and officers 'relieved of their duties'
>>117791 The Twitter Files: Forgiato Blow - Topic (video)
>>117836 Mike Pompeo: Adam Schiff told this story knowing it was false (link)
>>117842 Schiffty tweeting for the gun grabbers
>>117852 FDA to propose yearly COVID vaccines like annual flu shots for Americans
>>117859 How George Soros co-opts the Media and keeps criticism down
>>117883 The SEC today announced settled charges against Bloomberg Finance L.P. (Bloomberg) for misleading disclosures relating to its paid subscription service, BVAL

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