Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 20:00:58 Id: 29d4ab No.11832 del
Vitamin D, Zinc & K2 in Israel
Dr. Michael Cohen talking w/Dr John Campbell has treated many with Covid, none have wound up in an ICU.
High levels of Vitamin D - people don't get very sick. Not his patients.

When his patients went to the hospital, they were given NO outpatient treatment plan. He doesn't know why no one looks at Vitamin D.

--Vit D--: is not just a vitamin, but a steroid hormone.

4000 - rec. dosage for normal adults
5000 iu's -10000iu's fine
50000 units for six months has been shown to cause no damage.
has been used for up to 200,000 units.
He's got patients on 12000 - and that's what gets them into the right bracket.

"if everyone was doing this [taking vitamin d], would we have anything like the justification for turning this into a global crisis?"

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