Anonymous 01/27/2023 (Fri) 07:50 Id: 475310 No.118837 del
(192.81 KB 900x547 Fate.png)
think division points
think narrative
think mirror when watching fake news
cards fall where they may
'never let a crisis go to waste' - _
swamp be like 'if there is no crisis, create a crisis'
Anons be like 'w Truth out, Normies won't believe fake news'
fake news be like 'why are our ratings dropping'
>cards fall where they may
when the straight flush comes along to take out your ace-high diamond flush, thas a hard card to see at the end w everything in the middle
congratulate your opponent and thank God live Free in America to make some money and come back and overcome
their smug smiles when return; i smile back genuinely
they come for the SHOW not the bs ha ha
ds turns bs into the SHOW 2 many times and now they are obvious and easy to read
it's a bad Time to lose your cool at the end of the tourney; as the stakes rise Anons grow moar calm
shills try to control the narrative but a shill's fate is to fail in America ha

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