Anonymous 01/30/2023 (Mon) 07:56 Id: c6908e No.119127 del
The three Constitutional Responsibilities of National Government are: the defense of the nation against foreign powers (protection of borders), to secure the blessings of liberty - judicial system, and infrastructure (highways, bridges etc).
That is it. For example - in the Territories Act of 1787 regarding education it said, "education should forever be encouraged" but education is not a constitutional responsibility it is a responsibility of the parent and community.
The OSHA opinion considered whether an administrative agency had the power to mandate a medical treatment - the vaccine. The Justices opinion was that OSHA did not have the power. What this meant is if OSHA wants to pursue this and it goes to the Supreme Court this is no longer just about OSHA's powers but the entire administrative state. Further, not only are these endless "bureaucracies" not Constitutional but they have also helped themselves to all three distributive powers - the legislative, judiciary and administrative.
Looking back on the day of the opinion - one can see the ripple effect. The first to respond were the truckers in Mexico and shortly after the Canadian truckers...and on. Check. This is when the "pandemic" receded and the globalist next trick Climate Change moved forward.