Anonymous 02/03/2023 (Fri) 15:44 Id: d247ef No.119496 del
A Warning Ignored
How many warnings do you and I hear every day of our lives—that you and I have been hearing all of our lives—that we just too often quickly ignore?
...One of the very last warnings our Lord given in the book of Revelation is: “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay every one for what he has done” (Rev 22:12). Seriously, not a one of us can say we haven’t been warned....

The Man Who Tried to Stop the Space Shuttle Challenger’s Launch
Executives overruled the advice of engineer Roger Boisjoly, who suffered a classic ‘moral injury.’

The day before the launch, Thiokol engineers and executives met with NASA officials on a teleconference. Roger Boisjoly, the principal engineer on the Thiokol O-ring task force, and Arnold Thompson were the most knowledgeable experts on O-rings in the U.S. The two engineers argued that an ambient temperature below 53 degrees Fahrenheit could prevent the O-rings from sealing properly. A Thiokol engineer reported the anticipated temperature during the following day’s launch time would be around 26 degrees. Erring on the side of caution, Boisjoly, Thompson and other engineers recommended delaying the launch.