Anonymous 02/09/2023 (Thu) 06:16 Id: 2345e8 No.120103 del
2/08/2023 -- Seismic Activity Spreading -- Turkey, Europe, and East Coast USA VIRGINIA moving now
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13,176 views Premiered 2 hours ago
I cover all the locations I missed in the first update, including Alaska, and Hawaii, as well as the United States East Coast being struck today next to Virginia, as well as the RADAR issue in the location (again, another one).
Additionally, I cover Turkey in detail, the West Pacific, Indonesia, South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean.
This update should open a few eyes on what can INDUCE earthquake activity.
Minds might explode after what I show, but science is the observable being repeated---- it is what it is --- proof of something which was previously denied. Earthquakes after RADAR pulses, not just severe weather coming to the transmitter. I explain fully in this video what I think is causing this phenomenon. [Embed]