Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 14:40 Id: 00a21c No.120257 del
Project Veritas Donors Send Letter Demanding Board Members to “Cease Actions Threatening Project Veritas’ Mission”

The letter starts out saying:

Note: The opinions, data shared, and anecdotes were compiled by 1/3 of the PV staff, representing every department. Not all signed this letter, but all had compelling reason to contribute. Some singatories have not been the subject of abuse nor witnessed any abuse but found the corroborated behavior troubling and were willing to sign.

It goes on to document several unsourced claims of Project Veritas employees, citing James O’Keefe as being a “power drunk tyrant”. One complainant says “…I believe James knows he’s in over his head, he’s scared, overworked, manic on stress and drunk on the success of the last two weeks. His flaws aside, his aims are genuine and he is a true leader. He just needs a push back in the right direction.”

While the letter doesn’t explicitly call for his resignation, it does call for him to

“cease bullying and erratic behavior”
“cease micromanaging”
“cease undermining”
Project Veritas’s largest donors do not seem to agree with the Boards actions.

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