Anonymous 02/20/2023 (Mon) 13:15 Id: 1fb1a2 No.120885 del
1:15 PM EST
Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities
United Nations

3:00 PM EST
General Assembly: 59th plenary meeting, 77th session
United Nations

3:23 PM EST
Microsoft and Business Executives on Workforce Challenges
Microsoft President Brad Smith joined leaders from the information technology and infrastructure sectors to discuss the nationwide worker shortage. The panel discussed possible solutions and opportunities regarding the shrinking workforce, including: new opportunities for people without four-year college degrees, how artificial intelligence may increase productivity, and making public-private investments in job training/apprenticeship programs. Governor Greg Gianforte (R-MT) moderated the discussion, which took place during the National Governors Association’s 2023 winter meeting in Washington, D.C. close

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