Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 20:46 Id: aec601 No.124369 del
>even outlaws VPN use

If this ever passes I don't think I'll be visiting sites like this anymore or using any form of social media ever again. The risks would hugely outweigh the benefits, might even just keep the internet completely unplugged while not in use too, just to spite the corrupt bastards. That said, better backup all the media you desire now, and keep multiple offline backups ;)

>so why leave and risk your family?

They live in a third world country run by violent drug cartels and extortionists, gullibly believing their future will be better in America not knowing we are facing a similar collapse and tyranny here at home. If you don't believe that to be the case just ask old-timer immigrants who came here and they'll tell you they now worry about the same things we all do.