Anonymous 04/07/2023 (Fri) 00:58 Id: 355fb0 No.125467 del
(59.72 KB 955x738 Elon Musk owl.jpg)
(56.78 KB 401x301 matt-taibbi2.jpg)
(378.99 KB 2048x1536 musk-and-pontifex.jpeg)
(83.98 KB 530x545 taibbilmickingbird.jpg)
>>18651619 pb
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>>18651983 pb
Musk and Taibbi are Fraud
Not a big surprise.
anon always figured Musk went there to 'clean up' so
twit could plausibly compete with Truth Social
If an anon tries to get back in, they will ask a bunch of questions.
you answer them
and they still won't let you in.
Intelligence gathering

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