Anonymous 04/21/2023 (Fri) 12:03 Id: 18a299 No.126769 del
April 22, 2022
10:00 PM EDT
Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, Institute on Religion and Democracy, Religious Freedom Institute: The Presidency Evangelicals & the "Evil Empire". On March 8, 1983, Ronald Reagan declared the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" in a speech to the National Association of Evangelicals. The Victims of Communism Museum in Washington, D.C., convened scholars to talk about the impact of the president's words on Christians in America and behind the Iron Curtain. The Institute of Religion and Democracy and the Religious Freedom Institute co-hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

April 22, 2022
11:10 PM EDT
American History TV: High School Advanced Placement - U.S. History Exam 2023. Jason Stacy and Matthew Ellington, co-authors of "Fabric of a Nation: A Brief History with Skills and Sources, for the AP US History Course," talked about the Advanced Placement U.S. History Exam. They explained how this year's exam is structured, provided strategies for answering questions and analyzing historical documents.

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