Anonymous 05/09/2023 (Tue) 19:52 Id: b7085e No.127685 del
Imran Khan post yeterday before arrest

Imran Khan

May 8
As someone who has suffered 2 assassination attempts on his life in last few months, can I dare to ask SS the following Qs:
1. Have I, a citizen, the right to nominate those I feel were responsible for assassination attacks on me? Why was I denied my legal & Constitutional right

Imran Khan
May 8
to register an FIR? Does SS tweet mean mly officers are above the law or that they cannot commit a crime? If we allege one of them has committed a crime, how is institution being maligned?
3. Who was so powerful as to sabotage Wazirabad JIT while PTI govt was in power in Punjab?

Imran Khan

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