Anonymous 05/12/2023 (Fri) 22:06 Id: 6666cf No.128058 del

Abuses against the Armed Forces:

25. Deploying the Armed Forces, and other mercenary or paramilitary forces, to foreign soil where no conflict existed, and without knowledge or consent of our citizens.

26. Using the Armed Forces to attack infrastructure of our own allies, for political ends.

27. Using the Armed Forces to kill our own citizens.

28. Using the Armed Forces to kill foreign citizens or foreign military members, where no state of war exists.

29. Using the Armed Forces to force other countries into agreeable compliance with our trade goals.

30. Subjecting personnel of our Armed Forces to the authority of foreign powers.

31. Allowing the procurement of substandard materials from foreign states for vital warfighting systems of our Armed Forces, thus reducing our warfighting capability.

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