Anonymous 05/19/2023 (Fri) 12:49 Id: 825ad1 No.128486 del
May 20, 2023
12:10 PM EDT
Reel America: "Movies at War" - 1943. This "Film Bulletin" produced by the U.S. Army Signal Corps shows how training, informational, and Hollywood films were distributed by ship, airplane, train, truck, and sometimes camel to theaters during World War II. The film also shows a variety of improvised mobile theaters in Europe and the Pacific and includes scenes from some of the motion pictures shown to U.S. troops.
American History/BookTV

May 20, 2023
12:30 PM EDT
The Presidency President Kennedy's Vietnam Policies. Marc Selverstone talked about his research into President Kennedy's Vietnam War policies, which is partly based on previously secret White House recordings, and his conclusion that JFK was keeping his military options open. Mr. Selverstone is chair of the Presidential Recordings Project at the University of Virginia's Miller Center.

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