7:30 AM EDT Nadine Strossen, "Hate". Former ACLU president and New York Law School professor emerita Nadine Strossen, author of "Hate," talked about hate speech, free speech and government censorship. This interview was conducted at FreedomFest, an annual libertarian conference held in 2023 in Memphis. American History/BookTV https://www.c-span.org/video/?529301-4/hate
8:00 AM EDT Washington Journal: Adewale Maye Discusses Racial Economic Disparities in the U.S. Economic Policy Institute’s Adewale Maye discusses his new research which found post-civil rights era legislation has largely failed to address widening racial disparities in wages, wealth, and homeownership for Black Americans. https://www.c-span.org/video/?530075-3/adewale-maye-discusses-racial-economic-disparities-us&playEvent